Spread the Word

Please share this spiritual opportunity with Faithful throughout the Diocese of Austin. Please feel free to copy-and-paste the text below and share it with parishioners, ministries, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, Priests, Deacons, Religious, and all. God bless you.+

Bulletin Announcements - Mass - Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bulletin Announcement for Sunday, March 2, 9, 16, 23.

a. For this Consecration, Rosary and Mass is being offered at 5 Host Parishes in Austin, Georgetown, and Waco. Please select the Host Parish(es) closest to your parish for your bulletin. Please note that the Mass dates and times differ per Host Parish. Thank you!

b. Please also inform ministry leaders, place in e-mails, announce during Mass, and anything else you can do to please help spread the word about this time of prayer during Lent. Thank you and God bless you!+


Total Consecration Rosary and Mass. In Fatima, Our Lady said, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary (6pm) and Mass (6:30pm) will be offered on Tuesday, March 25th at Saint Mary Cathedral in Austin. Please visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for more information and other locations.

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total. En Fátima, Nuestra Señora dijo, “Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te conducirá a Dios”. Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El Rosario (6pm) y la Misa (6:30pm) serán ofrecidos el martes 25 de marzo en la Catedral de Saint Mary en Austin. Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org para información y otras ubicaciones.


Total Consecration Rosary and Mass. In Fatima, Our Lady said, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary (6:30pm) and Mass (7pm) will be offered on Tuesday, March 25th at Saint Paul Catholic Church in Austin. Please visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for more information and other locations.

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total. En Fátima, Nuestra Señora dijo, “Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te conducirá a Dios”. Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El Rosario (6:30pm) y la Misa (7pm) serán ofrecidos el martes 25 de marzo en la Iglesia Católica de San Pablo en Austin. Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org para información y otras ubicaciones.


Total Consecration Rosary and Mass. In Fatima, Our Lady said, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary (5:30pm) and Mass (6pm) will be offered on Tuesday, March 25th at Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in College Station. Please visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for more information and other locations.

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total. En Fátima, Nuestra Señora dijo, “Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te conducirá a Dios”. Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El Rosario (5:30pm) y la Misa (6pm) serán ofrecidos el martes 25 de marzo en la Iglesia Católica de Santo Tomás de Aquino en College Station. Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org para información y otras ubicaciones.


Total Consecration Rosary and Mass. In Fatima, Our Lady said, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary (11:30am) and Mass (12:05pm) will be offered on Tuesday, March 25th at Saint Helen Catholic Church in Georgetown. Please visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for more information and other locations.

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total. En Fátima, Nuestra Señora dijo, “Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te conducirá a Dios”. Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El Rosario (11:30am) y la Misa (12:05pm) serán ofrecidos el martes 25 de marzo en la Iglesia Católica de Santa Helena en Georgetown. Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org para información y otras ubicaciones.


Total Consecration Rosary and Mass. In Fatima, Our Lady said, "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Mass will be offered on Tuesday, March 25th at 5:30pm at Saint Peter Catholic Student Center in Waco, and private Rosary and prayer following. Please visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for more information and other locations.

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total. En Fátima, Nuestra Señora dijo, “Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te conducirá a Dios”. Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El Rosario y la Misa serán ofrecidos el martes 25 de marzo a las 5:30pm en el Centro de Estudiantes Católicos San Pedro en Waco, y después se ofrecerá un rosario y oración privados. Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org para información y otras ubicaciones.