Church Ministries / Ministerios de la Iglesia
We are thankful for the many ministries who have helped promote this beautiful spiritual gift of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

We are blessed with many Church Ministries in our Diocese, many of whom have helped communities and served the Church throughout the world for hundreds of years. Church Ministries help us to live our Christian Faith while deepening our love for God - all for the Glory of God and for His Kingdom. We follow the example of Our Blessed Mother who "set out and traveled to the hill country in haste" [Lk 1:39] to help Saint Elizabeth while also sharing the Good News of the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. God bless you, and may Our Blessed Mother guide you in serving in a Church Ministry. Amen.+
Somos bendecidos con muchos Ministerios de la Iglesia en nuestra Diócesis, muchos de los cuales han ayudado a comunidades y han servido a la Iglesia en todo el mundo durante cientos de años. Los Ministerios de la Iglesia nos ayudan a vivir nuestra fe cristiana mientras profundizamos nuestro amor por Dios, todo para la gloria de Dios y Su Reino. Seguimos el ejemplo de Nuestra Santísima Madre que "partió y viajó apresuradamente a la región montañosa" [Lc 1, 39] para ayudar a Santa Isabel y compartir también la Buena Nueva de la venida de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Dios los bendiga y que Nuestra Santísima Madre los guíe para servir en un Ministerio de la Iglesia. Amén.+
Armor of God Catholic Radio - 106.9FM
Armor of God Catholic Radio is an EWTN radio affiliate. Since their establishment in our Diocese, they have graciously helped in promoting this Total Consecration effort on air.
Their Mission is to promote the word of Jesus Christ in support of our local Parish Priests in full union with the Catholic Church and the Magisterium: Promote Holy Vocations, Build Strong Catholic Families, Defend the Sanctity of Life, Carry out the Mission of the Church's New Evangelization.
Catholic faithful are encouraged to tune-in and listen on 106.9FM or their website.
Diocese of Austin Diaconal Ministry
The Diaconal Ministry of the Diocese of Austin has graciously informed Faithful throughout our Diocese about this humble Total Consecration effort. We are very grateful to our Deacons and their wives who faithfully and lovingly serve our Holy Church.
Catholic men between the ages of 30 and 59 (single or married) sensing God’s call to the permanent diaconate are invited to contact the Diocese of Austin's Diaconal Ministry.
To assist men in your discernment of God's possible call to Holy Orders, the Diaconal Ministry's website offers some documents for your prayerful reading and links to other resources. Bring all the learning and insights you find in these materials to prayer, discuss them with our Lord, ask if He is calling you to diaconal ministry, and listen for His response.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus of the Diocese of Austin has graciously informed Faithful throughout our Diocese about this humble Total Consecration effort.
The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney and chartered on March 29, 1882, in the state of Connecticut. The purpose of the organization was to help Catholic men remain steadfast in their faith through mutual encouragement, to promote closer ties of fraternity among them and to set up an elementary system of insurance so that the widows and children of members who die would not find themselves in dire financial straits. The name was chosen because it related to Christopher Columbus, the Catholic discoverer of America, and because it would signify that the membership embodied knightly ideals of spirituality and service to church, country and fellowman.
Today, the Knights of Columbus is an international society with membership in Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland and other nations, numbering more than 2 million Catholic men, plus their families. There are more than 113,000 members in Texas who have dedicated themselves to the ideals of Columbianism: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.
Catholic men who would like to extend their Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are encouraged to join this ministry that has blessed our Diocese.
Ladies of Charity of Austin
The Ladies of Charity is an international lay-women’s organization, founded in France by Saint Vincent de Paul in the year 1617. The Ladies have been in Austin since 1890. Saint Vincent de Paul said that: “the Ladies of Charity sprang from God in order to honor our Lord Jesus Christ as the source and model of all charity.”
Throughout their history in Austin, the Ladies have served Parishes throughout the Diocese, Camp Mabry, the State Hospital, Caritas, Saint Vincent de Paul Stores, Catholic Charities, Food Pantries, Meals on Wheels, Marywood (Home of the Holy Infancy), the League House, Thanksgiving for the Homeless, Nursing Homes, and many others. Their service has adjusted with the needs of the times.
Catholic women who would like to extend their Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are encouraged to join this ministry that has blessed our Diocese for over 130 years.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of the lay apostolate established in 1921, in which Catholic men and women sanctify themselves through prayer and spiritual work in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, under the guidance of a Priest. We are thankful for the Legion of Mary who help promote and organize the Masses for this Total Consecration.
Throughout their history in Austin, members have taken the Holy Eucharist to the elderly in nursing homes and the sick in hospitals; taught children, youth, and adults about our Faith and served as RCIA Sponsors; attended funerals; distributed Rosaries and prayer cards; and much more.
Catholic faithful who would like to extend their Spiritual Works of Mercy are encouraged to join this ministry that has blessed our Diocese for over 70 years.
Relevant Radio - 970AM
Relevant Radio has been bringing Christ to the world through the media, providing informative, entertaining, and interactive programming. For many years, they have graciously helped in promoting this Total Consecration effort on air in our Diocese.
Their Mission is to “Bring Christ to the world through the media” and operates according to three Guiding Principles: 1. Faithful to the Magisterium and the Catechism of the Catholic Church; 2. United to the Bishops; 3. Under the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Catholic faithful in our Diocese are encouraged to tune-in and listen on 970AM or their website.
Secular Franciscan Order
The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS), formerly known as the Third Order of Saint Francis, is an official Order within the Catholic Church. The OFS was established by Saint Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago.
They are lay persons - single or married - who work, worship, and play in the community where they live, bringing the Gospel to life where they live and work. The OFS is a place of refuge and renewal where brothers and sisters in Saint Francis support and inspire one another.
Catholic men and women who would like to live in the Franciscan Spirit are encouraged to join this ministry that has blessed our Diocese.